Welcome to Acres Hill Community Primary School!
My name is Chris Howlett and I am the proud Headteacher of this fantastic school serving the Darnall and Manor areas in Sheffield.
I have been Headteacher here at Acres Hill since September 2022, before that I worked as an Assistant Headteacher at another local school who are also part of our local group of Trust schools, Sheffield South East Trust.
Firstly, I would like to say thank you for visiting our website. Although there is a lot of information here, it only offers an introduction to what our school is about, the experiences we offer and the things that make our school unique. I would therefore like to extend an invitation to anyone interested in learning more about us to call and arrange a visit.
At Acres Hill, we believe that every child deserves the best education and we have the highest expectations for every child who attends our school. Our staff are committed to ensuring that every child reaches their full potential, and we endeavour to give children the education that they need to be happy and successful in their future lives.
To support our children to the fullest, our curriculum targets the ‘whole child’.
We recognise the importance of, and drive towards academic success for all our children, regardless of their starting points or individual needs – doing this ensures that children are best placed to experience success as they move into secondary school and beyond into happy and productive working lives. We strive to make our learning engaging and endeavour to provide as many ‘real-life’ learning experiences as possible because we believe that learning should be exciting, interesting and purposeful. For more information on our Curriculum please visit our ‘Key Information’, ‘Curriculum’ tabs on our website Homepage.
Within our ‘whole child’ approach, we are also passionate that our children leave school equipped to function as citizens of Darnall and Manor, the City of Sheffield, the UK and the wider world. In order to do this we take the time to focus on supporting children’s wider development – including through our teaching and focus on British Values, our RSHE Curriculum and through the use of our Acres Attributes. Through this work, our pupils are supported to Care, Create, be Resilient, Respect, Collaborate and Reflect.
As a school we recognise the strengths of working together as a community, we are working hard to be a hub for the area and we are currently building links with housing teams, local NHS GP Surgeries and Services, Food Banks, community services and groups. We also work closely with schools in the Local Area through Sheffield South East Learning Partnership (a partnership of schools working together across South East Sheffield) and with our Trust schools in Sheffield South East Trust (please see our ‘Sheffield South East Trust’ tab on the Homepage for more Trust information).
We have an open door policy in school and actively encourage families and others to be part of our children’s learning. We communicate with our families through regular newsletters, the Class Dojo application (families who are not linked should come and talk to a teacher or staff in the School Office), Parent sessions in classrooms, shows and presentations, regular Parents’ Evenings and conversations on the yard at the start and end of every school day.
Thank you again for taking the time to visit our website and we look forward to welcoming you to our school in the future.
Kindest regards,
Mr Chris Howlett