Through our Physical Education Curriculum our aim is for all children to be healthy, active and as they mature to enjoy and maintain an active lifestyle, being aware and responsible for maintaining their own health and wellbeing.
By delivering a broad and varied PE Curriculum our aim is to support children to: i) acquire and develop a broad range of PE based knowledge and skills, and ii) experience an enjoyable, healthy lifestyle - providing them with positive physical and sporting experiences and achievements from an early age; thereby encouraging and supporting children to enjoy and seek out opportunities to be active and create a positive mindset towards physical activity that will continue through into adulthood.
We also use our PE Curriculum to enhance children’s Personal Development; both through the development of soft/interpersonal skills defined by our ‘Acres Attributes’ (i.e. collaboration, resilience and reflection) and through providing opportunities to be involved in experiences that children living in our community would not always have easy or immediate access to.
Our PE Curriculum:
utilises the GetSet4PE Learning Platform to deliver a broad and balanced schema across Foundation Stage, Key Stage 1 and 2
is sequenced on a year on year, and term by term basis, to allow children to experience a wide range of PE based activities that provide children with the opportunity to build on prior learning and skills
ensures that children’s learning is focused and precise in terms of taught PE content and coverage
allows children to reflect on their performance(s) and adapt their work to improve outcomes
provides opportunities for children to build on prior learning to further develop their understanding and related skills
ensures that children are aware of how to keep themselves healthy and the importance of doing so into adulthood
Our PE Curriculum is overseen by our PE Co-ordinator. The PE Curriculum is delivered through the Learning Platform, GetSet4PE, ensuring coverage of the National Curriculum (2014) and the Early Years Foundation Stage Statutory Framework (2021).
The PE Co-ordinator has structured individual year group units of work across the academic year that provide children with a balance of sports and activities. School also uses Sports Premium to access professional coaching services within the academic year to support and develop the teaching of the PE curriculum and diversify the sporting offer available.
Furthermore, the PE Lead co-ordinates after-school and extra-curricular visits/competitions across the year in a range of sports/activities – in some cases these are age specific, but activities are mapped to ensure parity across cohorts within school.
The PE Co-ordinator has access to local PE Networks and support and provides/co-ordinates training/coaching support to teaching staff, quality assures the delivery of the PE Curriculum across the school and reports directly to the Curriculum Lead and Senior Leaders.
The PE Curriculum:
uses the GetSet4PE Platform to ensure the delivery of the breadth and depth of the National Curriculum at developmentally appropriate ages
is delivered every term to every class in two distinct PE units of work
is part of a weekly timetable for all classes
comprises of two separate hours whole class teaching each week
provides opportunities for mapped cohorts of children to experience extra-curricular competition and experiences, both within and outside of school
ensures that key concepts, knowledge and skills are taught with precision and focus in a planned and specific order
supports teachers to accurately assess children’s ongoing progress within the PE Curriculum and units of work
is accessed by all pupils and, where required, differentiated to allow children to successfully access content and build knowledge and skills at an appropriate developmental level
ensures that children experience a range of sports and activities across the academic year and throughout their time in school to develop and practice key skills
provides lengthened opportunities for children to participate in swimming lessons (across two academic years, Year 4 and 5) to ensure a larger proportion of children leave school able to swim and be safe in the water
We recognise that for children to make progress in their Physical Education and ultimately lead a healthy lifestyle they require opportunities to engage in, enjoy and make progress in their PE skills and knowledge.
For this to happen the PE Co-ordinator ensures that children can experience success and enjoy access to PE through ensuring the delivery of high-quality lessons that provide a breadth and depth of curriculum-based experiences, ultimately supporting children to make progress in their understanding and development of PE based skills. This is accomplished through subject mapping, quality assurance processes (e.g. lesson observations, pupils feedback, cohort mapping) and the use of external coaches to support and develop teaching in specific areas.
The PE Co-ordinator also has access to local school PE networks, bought –in services and academy-based PE support to further moderate and extend the school’s PE offer.
Our PE Curriculum:
allows children to positively experience physical exercise and a range of activities and sports
provides children with the knowledge, skills and interest to succeed in future stages of education and continue to make healthy lifestyle choices as they mature into adulthood
supports children to build on their prior learning to increase their understanding of, and improve their performance in sports and physical activity year on year
allows children to identify sports and activities of interest/that they derive pleasure from and wish to continue participating in
uses ongoing formative assessment to identify children’s understanding/ability to use taught knowledge and skills which impacts on the planning of future learning opportunities
uses GetSet4PE based summative assessment documentation to track the progress of children’s learning
allows the PE Co-ordinator to recognise areas of good practice and those requiring development
provides details about the use of Sports Premium Funding and its impact to Senior Leaders, Governors and other stakeholders