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UN Rights Respecting School

Acres Hill Community Primary School is a Bronze Award UNICEF UK Rights Respecting School.


A Rights Respecting School is a school where children and young people’s rights are respected, promoted and protected by everyone.


UNICEF is the world’s leading organisation working for children’s rights. The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child is an important agreement made by governments worldwide to uphold and protect children’s rights.


Here is a video that explains the UNCRC and gives some information on it:


We are currently working to become a Silver Rights Respecting School.


The Rights Respecting School Award involves staff and young people:


  • Teaching and learning: ABOUT the rights set out in the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child.
  • Teaching and learning: THROUGH rights so that everyone respects the rights of others.
  • Teaching and learning: FOR the rights of others so that we stand up for rights and help make our school, our local and global community a fairer place.


The rights respecting school journey takes the participants through bronze, silver and gold accreditations.

Acres Hill has been accredited the Bronze Award for our work so far, and we are now working towards Silver. The Silver Award is achieved by taking a deeper look and embedding the Conventions of the Rights of the Child into policy, practice and culture of our school.


